This General Conference President Uchtdorf said "It’s remarkable how much we can learn about life by studying nature." I really like that! One day in Rexburg a friend and I were out by the train tracks when the sky turned flamming orange. She asked me why we have sunsets. Being the rather litteral person I am I started to explain the science in sunsets. She quickly stopped me. "No, why did God give us sunsets?" I thought for awhile. "Sunsets are like teady bears from our hevenly home. They give us comfort while we are away."
God gave us all of natures beauties for a reason. You ought to go pick one today, and offer up a prayer of thanks. I am sure it took lots of hard work, but He still made it, just for you. :}
Pres. Uchtdorfs talk:,5232,23-1-1298-7,00.html
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